This short movie is presented by Wave Diary and directed by Harendra Khatri, a popular name in the eastern part of Nepal to make movie and serials. In this movie ‘Call Girl’ Bodhraj purush and Rubina Gahatraj has played as serious social person and as call girl respectively. Call girl artist is reflecting social problem and circumstances present in the society, which makes them call girl. In this movie a person who is waiting taxi in pokhara meet a beautiful girl. Booth are going towards Muskan chock but not getting taxi. Finally, a city comes and informs that there is strike so wherever they want to go he will live them. Both of them decide to go together and their relation starts from informal talking. She is from poor family and studying BA second year and sending money to her mother having prostitution (call girl). She tells her every story of life and how she became call girl. She makes the person aware how girls they come to this profession. Her expression makes every person socked, how a beautiful and well-educated girl can do such. We all hate who is doing prostitution but we don’t try to understand what factor of the society and country is forcing them to be. Watch full video and don’t forget to give feedback. - See more at: