Ghas Katna Jada Nepali Short Movie
2:09 AMIn the short movie a girl is heading towards the forest to get some grass.On the way she meets a guy who teases her. But she gets very @ngry and scolds him. The guy talks to her and tells her that he will help her get some grass. She gets very happy and takes him with her.
The two walk through the dense jungle and finally reach the place. As soon as they get there, the girl tells the guy to cut the grass but the guy insists that they play a game. The girl denies and says that they will get late. But the guy says that if she finds her blind folded, he will take her to watch a movie. They girl agrees and they start the game. They two fall and in no time they both get seduced and start having interc)ur$e.
After they are finished the girl tells the guy to cut grass but the guy says that he is tired and he will do it again tomorrow.