Lokman vs samsad manoj gajurel
10:08 PMDukkha pais mangale, mane nischit rupma afnai dhangale (By assuaging the northern neighbor and bothering the southern, you welcomed a ton of inconvenience.) Giggling follows from the crowd. Oli answers: Eutale arkolai bokeu, sarkarko miti tokyeu, Kuro bujhina maile, chunab garchhau kaile?
(You offered opportunity to each other and altered the race date, yet I don’t comprehend when you will really hold the decisions?)
At this, Prachanda shakes his body a great deal and tries to answer it well however he winds up just murmuring the deusi tone. He signals that squabble among top pioneers prompted to this disorderly circumstance. He gets passionate and begins crying at which Oli reassures him and lets him know that every one of the pioneers must get to be one and play deusi together to build up the nation.